Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Where will we end up?

John is applying for residency as we speak, and we have received offers to interview at 11 places! I know which ones I would prefer, but please leave a comment, and give us your opinion of these places. What's your vote? Also, see if you can guess my top 5. It's kind of exciting not knowing what comes next, but still knowing it comes in Texas, er, uh.... I mean still will be in God's will. haha. :) 

In no particular order:
Ft Worth
San Antonio
Lake Charles, LA (hmmm? :) )
Corpus Christi
and College Station


Anonymous said...

Houston, not Baytown:)
-Melissa L

Anonymous said...

Tyler is a good place, small townish without being completely far from everything, waco same thing, austin is too crazy with traffic and certainly odd, definitely not baytown, galveston is to hurricane prone and touristy. of course being in your small group i would say houston :) but knowing and loving you guys, tyler or waco would be a good fit :)
-Heather S

Anonymous said...

Houston! I like knowing y'all are close by even though we haven't been able to hang out!
-Jonathan M

Anonymous said...

Galveston is a fun place to live!!! I promise, I do it sometimes and maybe even more:)
-Melissa L

Anonymous said...

My vote is Austin.
-Melissa H

Dee D said...

Yes, my #1 choice is Austin also! :) Love it. (actually more the surrounding area, but I figure anywhere close will give us a head start. :) )
So Corpus isn't bad? I haven't really been there much.

Anonymous said...

Austin is beautiful and I loved living there, but it was a little too liberal for me, so maybe possibly for you also lol Fort Worth is nice or you could always stay in good old Houston!
-Jaime H

Dee D said...

ug, there are worse cities in the world but not in texas. :) Where in Austin did you live? The taxes are higher there.

Anonymous said...

Well, my choice is totally selfish....College Station. You'd be closer to us and you already have a house there! But actually, the Lord knows best and it is in His hands.
-Kathy D

Anonymous said...

I lived really close to the Arboretum, it was very nice but VERY costly!!
-Jaime H